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Somerset Rural Life Museum

Three Storywalks - 1 Booful Riddler (KS2) 2 Giant's Daughter (KS1 & 2) 3) Booful Rhymes (KS 1) Directions - Choose one of the three trails - Divide your class into 6 groups - Give each group a single iPad with a different version of the same story

1 | Booful Riddler | Spranking1 | Booful Riddler | Dumbledore1 | Booful Riddle | Cuckoo Buttons1 | Booful Riddler | Farnticles1 | Booful Riddler | Giltincup1 | Booful Riddler | Colly2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Spranking2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Dumbledore2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Cuckoo Buttons2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Farnticles2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Giltincup2 | Giant’s Dollhouse | Colly3 | Booful Rhymes | Spranking3 | Booful Rhymes | Dumbledore3 | Booful Rhymes | Cuckoo Buttons3 | Booful Rhymes | Farnticles3 | Booful Rhymes | Giltincup3 | Booful Rhymes | CollyBooful RiddlerGiant's DollhouseBooful Rhymes
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